Pictures Painted With Words

The Works of Miss Kathleen Ann Brotherton

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Writing For Publicity Versus Writing For A Purpose

Every writer needs a reader. How do we stand on the fine line of writing to increase our readership without compromising the true voice of our work?

Don Charisma

No preamble today … an experiment, and one of my new year’s resolutions 😀

“Writing For Publicity Versus Writing For A Purpose” – Discuss …


Don Charisma

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Notes for commenters:

Don Charisma Warning Improvised Writing

Comments are invited. BUT you are reminded that this is a public blog and you are also reminded to think before you press the “post comment” button. 

Good manners are a mark of a charismatic person – so please keep comments civil, non-argumentative, constructive and related, or they will be moderated. If you feel you can’t comply, press the “unfollow” button and/or refrain from commenting.

I read ALL comments but can’t always reply. I will comment if I think there’s something that I can add to what you’ve said. I do delete without notice comments that don’t follow rules…

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Down The Rabbit Hole

The cold was bitter as Bailey made her way down the boardwalk as briskly as possible against the wind that blew up off the water. The surf below crashed violently against the rocks causing frigid spray to blow against the skin of her face.

She buried her hands deeper into the pockets of her sweatshirt wrapping them tightly around the envelope of money that Rallow had given her. Four buys, four buys she would be done. Rallow promised he would get Danny released from jail. Bailey fixated on the idea of Florida as she carefully chose her footing on the worn wooden boardwalk. Four buys and she would pack Laila up in the Honda. The second Danny Flan’s feet stepped outside the county jail, all bets were off. She was gone.   No one bothered to throw sand on the patches of ice that covered the walkway. Why should they? Who the hell was walking on the boardwalk at one o’clock in the morning when the temperature barely hit twelve degrees? Bailey slipped and caught herself.  She felt the tears brimming at the corners of her eyes. How the hell did she get into this shit?

She could see Jay Hernandez leaning against a dimly lit street lamp a few hundred feet ahead. The light from his cell phone glowed against his face his focus intent on texting. Bailey could see his thumb fly across the key board of the phone and she finally reached him.

Jay continued to text another moment before he lifted his face to consider her. His skin was shimmering and perspiring even though it was bitter cold and he too wore a hoodie.

The phone was deposited to his pocket and he reached into the band of his jeans pulling out a .38 caliber hand piece. Pressing the gun firmly to her forehead, Jay broke into a smile. The smile spread from ear to ear and made his face light up like a child at Christmas.

“Are you setting me up silly little white bitch?” 






“Why is he in your house if your not together,” Rallow inquired watching her face as she itched her nose on the back of her hand

“ He’s my friend”

“Your friend sleeps in your bed almost every night? We’ve been watching you for a solid month. He’s here every night. ” Rallow rubbed his thumb against the stubble on his chin. Three double shifts of watching the little shit buttoned the case down, with the exception no guns there were suppose to be guns.

Bailey tilted her face to the side brushing a stray piece of auburn hair back from her eyes. She watched Rallow a moment, considered him. Something about him made a churning sensation in the pit of her stomach yet in the same breath she was terrified of him. He was like a flame, she like a delicate little moth and if she flew too close, became too mesmerized would find her pretty white wings singed off.

“He’s my friend. ” She ran her tongue over her lower lip pulling her hands into the sleeves of her sweatshirt holding his eyes the entire time.

“Your fuck friend? ” Rallow lifted a brow carefully watching the expressions on her face.

“We don’t fuck should I translate that into Spanish? Wait no how about Pig Latin?” The acidic words danced off her tongue before she could swallow them back.

Rallow lifted a brow and let his lips turn up in a fractional smirk. He reached brushing the piece of hair back away from her eyes. Bailey felt blood rush to her cheeks and he smiled in response.

“I’m going to get you out of this mess. You are going to help me put this little fuck away,” There was no option, no consideration. Bailey was going to do exactly what Rallow told her to do.  

“It was you, wasn’t it? In the park? In the shadows?”
Rallow smiled and ruffled her hair lightly before turning on his heel and heading out the door.
“Yep go with your gut kid, it’s always right.” with that he was gone.

“Sometimes the line between the good guys and the bad guys is thin and translucent in spots. Feel me Rallow?” -Bailey Kitrick

They All Fall Down

This is another excerpt from a different story a different set of characters bouncing around inside my head. The right here, the right now my heart my passion for writing is about “Rallow” but I came across this cleaning up my pc and thought I would throw it out to you guys and get your ever so humble opinions. 

 They All Fall Down”

It was hot. The kind of hot that no matter how hard an air conditioner clanked it was pointless. The relief of cool air was merely felt for a moment before your skin would crawl with droplets of sweat. Catherine Devaney absently blew a piece of hair back away from her face as she continued on with the arduous task of filling the sugar. It was her responsibility at the end of every shift at Cook’s Diner. Fill the sugars, marry the ketchup and wrap the silverware. She most especially hated doing wraps. What the hell was the purpose of taking silverware and wrapping it in a napkin like it was an infant bundled in swaddling? She hadn’t even wrapped her daughter in swaddling when she was an infant fearful that she would suffocate. It seemed more sensible to set the silverware on the table. Each piece in its correct spot like Gran had taught her as a little girl, knife then fork then spoon. She wouldn’t ask why they had to wrap the silverware in this fashion every day.

Catherine’s head snapped up as the door to the diner swung open and slammed shut sending a gust of hot, damp air through the dining room.

Catherine lifted her face pushing a stray piece of bang gently off her forehead and froze. Joss Glass straddled a stool at the counter and pulled his pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of his jeans. His long nimble fingers shook one lose and he placed one against his lips.

Catherine dropped the wraps into their basket at the back station and slowly maneuvered her way through the red and white Formica tables to the front of the diner. Her tongue dried and stuck to the top of her mouth in fear, the perspiration glistened fresh across her skin this time in anxiousness rather than a result of the oppressive heat.

Joss lifted the lighter to his cigarette setting the tip afire. He inhaled the smoke but blew it away from her direction as she slid behind the counter to address him.

Hi Baby,” His smile lifted his cheeks into cherubic like apples and his eyes lit up with some sort of deep seated pleasure.

He made a point to stretch the pet name out long and venomous over his tongue seething with mixed resentment and possible hatred.

Catherine lifted a drinking glass and focused on pouring the water into the glass without spilling on the counter. Lifting the glass to her mouth she drank deeply willing the dryness away from her mouth. She could show no fear, she was now in the middle of the forest with a pissed off grizzly bear. Pouring a second glass of water, she placed the glass gently on the counter in front of him with a great amount of consternation. She was fighting the rush of blood to her head the knots in her stomach. Her hand reached to wipe the perspiration from her forehead that was largely the result of every nerve in her body coming alive.

I have a name,” She let slowly roll off her tongue then instantly felt a pang of regret. She sounded bitchy. He would perceive it as a challenge. She didn’t want to challenge him she wanted to stay completely off his radar.

Joss chuckled as he drank down the water in three even gulps. Catherine fixated on his Adam’s apple lifting and falling three times in his neck as he swallowed the water. Gran always said she couldn’t love a man who didn’t have a strong Adam’s apple.

Catherine had been trying to stop loving this man with a strong Adam’s apple since she was fifteen years old.

I need a job,” He announced it matter of fact as though she might have some sort of influence over any such thing. He leaned over tracing his finger along the outside of the V-neck up the side of her breast to her collar bone.

Catherine abruptly pulled back, as though she had touched a plug that hadn’t completely been pushed into the wall. She picked up a cloth and began nervously wiping the ring of condensation that his water glass left on the counter.

You have a daughter.” Her eyes slowly scanned the entirety of his face trying to determine his intention. Was he changed? Did he really want to work hard? Was he going to stay out of trouble or pull her slowly back down the path that nearly destroyed both of them? Did he even care that there was a little girl that was his absolute spitting image?

I would appreciate if you helped me, I have to have a job or parole will send me back to jail.” His face tilted slightly watching as she untied the little black apron from about her waist. He simply was not going to address the issue. Catherine felt her heart sink. Somewhere in the back of her mind she hoped and prayed that he would come home, love her they would be a family. He would let go of the bad they had done. She should have known better that simply was not going to be the case.

Catherine stuffed the apron under the counter and pulled out her book bag. She slid around the counter having every intention of completely evading any contact with the boy at all. If he touched her, that would be it. He would spin a tight web around her like the daddy long legs that lived in the bathroom at Gran’s. He would bind her, trap her and suck the life out of her. History clearly dictated she was virtually powerless to stop him. He would bend her and she would snap.

I will talk to Chef tomorrow after his coffee before the breakfast rush hour; it’s when he is in the best mood.” She offered putting some distance between them.

Joss stood off the stool twisting the cigarette pack in his fingers as he stepped toward her.

Where are you going?” He smiled. One of his top front teeth had been knocked out in jail. It made his sneer all the more menacing.

Gran is coming to pick me up and I’m going home to care for my daughter,” she shifted on her weight, flicked her hair over her should placing the emphasis on my as the reality set it. Nothing had changed and the return of Joss would be nothing but trouble.

He stepped forward reaching and clasped his hand around her arm pulling her abruptly to him.

I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered pulling her against him. “Not yet anyway.”

Catherine caught her breath as he grabbed a handful of her hair and crushed his lips abruptly against hers. Rather than kiss he whispered against her lips.

I want my money Catherine.”

I don’t know where that money is Joss,” She whispered back tears springing to her eyes.

He buried his fingers in her long auburn hair as he slipped his tongue between her lips. She folded, her mouth responding to his as terrified as he made her somewhere deep in the back of her mind she had waited for the moment he would come walking back into her life.

You know exactly where that money. You are going to get me that money or I’m going to snuff that baby in her sleep.”

Catherine tore back in repulsion; her hand reached out and connected with his cheek violently. The sound of her hand connecting with his face echoed through the empty diner, a choked cry came from her as her hand covered her lips in shock of what she had done. He would surely beat her now.

He simply smiled, revealing the same sneer the same broken tooth. He was amused. His intention was to crawl under her skin, to plant a seed and that was exactly what he had done.

Hold her tight to you and think hard on things Catherine,” with that he darted out the door and was gone.

Gran pulled up in the old Buick just in time to miss the Glass boy. She would have patted him on the arm. Gran would have told him she missed seeing him singing in the choir at Mass. She would have complimented the way he delivered her newspaper to the front door because it hurt her knee to walk to the mailbox when he was the paperboy. Gran remembered the good in people and felt a certain obligation to remind them. She would have felt it proper to let him into the car. To see the blonde haired cherubic two year old daughter that was his spitting image. She would have invited him back to the house for a biscuit with a bit of apricot jam and a cup of tea. Instead he darted past the car, toward the center of town like the devil himself had set his ass on fire.

Catherine slipped out the door and slid into the Buick pulling the heavy door close with a thud. Her hands were shaking violently and she fought to hide the fact from her Grandmother. She then burst into a torrid of tears. It could not be contained or controlled the world was coming to an abrupt end. He would kill them all for the sake of his greed.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph child what has gotten into you? Was that this child’s father that just ran by this car likes the devil put a pitch fork in his posterior?”

I need to take the baby and leave bad things are going to happen Gran!” She cried out which prompted the sleeping two year old to wake and let out a wail of protest.

Gran considered a moment as she stomped on the accelerator to move the car forward.

You are certainly not going anywhere much less alone with that child lets go find that Glass boy and set things straight right off the bat!” Gran declared as she sped off in the direction Joss had gone.

He needs to meet his daughter Catherine, a child gives a man a good reason to be a good man,” Gran declared with intent.

Catherine merely closed her eyes resting her head against the seat. Nothing good, not a single good thing would come of any of this.



Crayon Drug Raid by Mikkel Sommer. Title: Crayon Drug Raid

Rallow: The Novel

30 year old Bailey Kitrick had her whole entire world turned upside down when she met Danny Flan. Never thinking for a second that the two would be a formula for absolute disaster. Bailey was quickly drawn into the world that spun around Daniel at a rapid speed. Sex, drugs, and more money than she had ever seen in her life. Loyalty unheard of, a world where anyone and everyone is dispensed at the drop of a hat. 

From the day she landed on the radar of Daniel Flan, Bailey Kitrick also landed on the radar of Detective Sal Rallow. Rallow and his partner Detective Patrick Hanagan investigation had Daniel Flan  under scrutiny for over a year before the twenty five year old walked into the life of the single mother of one. 

When all their worlds finally collide the lines between the good guys and the bad guys becomes a hazy shade of grey. As Rallow runs from the demons of his past, while covering up the indiscretions of his partner, Bailey makes deals with the devil to save Daniel. An unlikely alliance forms in each attempting to save the other they ultimately save themselves. 

Bailey and Danny



Theoretically they should not have crossed paths there was simply no reason for it. Fate is often a funny thing.

Bailey sat on the staircase that led to the tiny two bedroom apartment that contained her life with her daughter.  Laila was safely tucked away at kindergarten in the brick faced school at the end of the street. She was  at that point of the day enjoying her  lunch or the cool fall air as they ran around at recess.  She slipped a ten milligram Vicodin between her lips after a lunch of lettuce soaked in lemon juice and swallowed it down with the warm remnants of a Diet Coke. The high didn’t come the way it once did. It danced on the edge behaving as though it were there then it would slip away. She took another yellow pill from the pill bottle and swallowed it down with the final sip of soda from the can. Bailey slipped out the door and parked her ass on the staircase. She sat in the warm fall sunshine as the analgesic feeling crept over her. No more failed marriage, no more struggle to make ends meet just the pure numbing sensation. It spread from her chest along her arms and back down to her abdomen. She leaned her head again the wall as it crept up her neck to her face causing even her lips to feel as though she had just gone to the dentist. It was about then that he appeared. It was almost cartoonish in nature as he quietly walked past the house unaware of her there on the steps. He was looking along the ground for something. Bailey thought perhaps he was looking for cigarette butts. That he had run out of cigarettes and was resorting to the ends of ones he had foolishly tossed out the window.

“I’ll buy you cigarettes,” It slipped from her dry lips.

Her kidneys and liver were working in overdrive to push the excessive amount of Vicodin out of her body.

Danny paused what he was doing and looked over in her general direction. His face tilted slightly as a smile spread across his mouth. His shadow danced a little longer on the sidewalk as the day crept into the start of midafternoon.

“I lost a blunt,” he retorted matter of fact.

Bailey formed the word “Oh” with her lips and let her eyes flutter shut.

“Okay,” she whispered thankful that she wouldn’t have to stand up. Her limbs had gone completely numb.

He was suddenly there in front of her, his hand reached grabbing her chin turning her face to look at her more closely.

“You are high as a fucking kite, what the hell are you on? Coke?”

Bailey’s eyes fluttered open and she looked to his face. His hair was the color of a dark strong cup of coffee, his eyes close to the same. She had never really paid much attention to the boy man that lived in the apartment next door. Now here he was her face in hand as she was quite sure she was about to slip off into infamy.

“No, I took too much Vicodin,” she whispered. “I don’t feel well.”

“I think I should call an ambulance,” He replied as he lifted her hand into his own.

“You are ice cold chick, you look like shit.”

“No!” Bailey tried to stand but her legs simply were not there.

“I feel sick I need to throw up.”

Danny helped her up into the house. He held her shiny auburn hair back away from her face as she violently emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. He covered his own mouth and nose with his free hand as the vomiting subsided to dry heaving and then she simply let her cheek fall to the seat of the toilet. Danny hated throw up. It was the worse smell on earth. He was teetering on losing the cheese burger he had for lunch all over her back and hair as she got sick. He was able to refrain.

“I’m so embarrassed,” Bailey whispered.

Danny helped her to her feet and into her room. He moved the pile of clean laundry that had amassed on the unmade bed to the floor against her feeble attempts at protest.

“I’ll rewash it,” He offered without being overly convincing. He really had no idea how to run a washing machine.

Danny eased Bailey down onto her bed and pulled the covers up over her.

“It is now 2:30 I’m going to go get your daughter from school if you don’t look better when I get back I’m calling 911”.

Danny was a man of his word. He walked down the block and retrieved Laila from school. He shrugged as the teacher looked at him questioningly.


“They live next door her Mom is throwing up really bad,” He offered.

The teacher looked to Laila who nodded.

“He smokes cigarettes out the window and his shitty music is too loud,” The percocious child offered.

The teacher ushered them both away before she had to go through the undaunting task of flushing those bad words down the toilet.



Danny  stood over Bailey’s sleeping form in the bed and observed her with the Laila as she slept.

“Is she dead?” The little asked poking at the soft part of her stomach that had stretch to accommodate a nine pound baby.

“No, you made her tired asking for toys all the time,” Danny placed his hands upon his hips. Bailey was pale, a light glisten of perspiration had spread across her face and neck. Her pulse was no longer skipped along erratically as he pressed his finger against the pale flesh of her wrist. Danny was pretty sure she was going to be okay.

He went about taking care of the Laila while Bailey slept. A frozen pizza was popped in the oven and served on paper plates that were in the shape of animals. The girl looked at the offering in horror then thought it better to not be difficult. He pushed the little girl into the bathroom throwing towels behind them demanding she shower for bed. The children allowed the shower nozzle to spray through the open curtain all over the floor and wall.

Danny  dropped to the floor beside Bailey’s bed and waited. He entertained himself texting and playing games on his IPhone as the sun crept slowly down and night fell into place. He was absently listening to the rise and fall of her breath as he tapped away at his phone. She was okay, he was sure of it. She just needed to sleep until the pain medication left her body. He didn’t want to leave her, not until they had a coherent conversation in the least.

Bailey sat up startled as the clock on the cable box changed over to 11:11.

“She lives,” Danny smiled handing over a can of ginger ale with a straw.

“Oh my God, my daughter,” She panicked.

“They are sound asleep, in bed. I made them a pizza and they showered but all your towels are wet. I don’t clean anything involving a bathroom,” Danny offered with a smile standing to his feet.

Tears sprung to Bailey’s eyes and she brushed them to the back of her hand.

“Thank you Danny,” she whispered trying to avoid contact with his eyes.

“Hey,” He demanded as he stepped backward toward the door.

Bailey turned her gaze to meet his, her eyes glistened with tears and her own humiliation.

“I got you kid,” He smiled as he disappeared out the door to his apartment next door.